Portal talk:Mdf/LiquidThreads

From translatewiki.net
This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Use Russian when no translation available113:56, 1 December 2016

Use Russian when no translation available

Currently, when a message is not translated into mdf, the English equivalent is shown. There is a possibility to set Russian as "fallback language", that is a translation preferred to English. If I'm not mistaken, most mdf speakers will also understand Russian, while they may not know English: do you agree?

Nemo (talk)14:45, 30 November 2016

It was supposed to already have Russian as fallback, however there was a misspelling in $fallbak (a c was missing). I've fixed this in gerrit:324707. Once that is merged and deployed, you'll see the changes in your favourite wiki.

Siebrand13:02, 1 December 2016