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Latest comment: 4 months ago by Yupik in topic Ságastallan "comment" birra
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revert/rollback/undo/undelete birra

This is a discussion about the term "rollback". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Eai leat seammá áššit...

  • revert: restores the content of a page to an earlier revision without making any changes
  • rollback: reverts with one click
  • undo: reverts a page to an earlier version, but possible to make changes and write an edit summary.
  • undelete: dieđe jo...

Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 08:58, 27 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Undo lea suomagielat jorgalusain kumota nappo sámás gomihit já revert/rollback/undelete palauttaa nappo sámegielat máhcahit. Mu mielas sáhttá leat buoret nuppegežiid go lea vejolaš rievdadit teavstta undoin. Ná undo = máhcahit ja revert/rollback/undelete = gomihit. Juos undelete lea seammá go undo, de undo/undelete = máhcahit ja revert/rollback = gomihit.
Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 09:17, 27 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
Undo lea jorgaluvvon MediaWikis maiddái gáhtat-vearbbain. - Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 16:38, 9 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

«invalid» birra

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Mu mielas lea "feaila" fennoscandilaš loatnasátni. Sáhttá dáppe guorahallat digáštallamiid "feaila"-sáni birra. https://www.facebook.com/groups/336300756303/permalink/10154931915331304/ Ieš vuoruhivččen "boastut", "meattáhus", "dohkkemeahttun". Dattege, jus loatnasániid aivve hilgu, na dalle mun fertešin hilgut oba olu sámi sániid. Omd "riekta" -> dá. "rett", "ráđđi" -> "råd"

LemetMáhtteEiraSara 15:25, 29 December 2022 (UTC)Reply

:D Joo mu mielas meattáhus lea buoret ja lean geavahan dan. Boastut ja dohkkemeahttunge heivejit. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 09:20, 27 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

«settings» birra

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Heivehus lea Suoma bealde "application" ja asáhus lea "setting". Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 12:31, 3 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

"Ásahus" lea Norgga bealde institusjon, organ, ordning, foranstaltning. Ii oro heiveme "settings" jorgalit dainna. Ante75 (talk) 09:56, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

«subpages» birra

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Naba vuollesiidu? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 12:56, 4 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

«preview» birra

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Naba vearban? Dego "Preview link", čájet liŋkka ovd(d)a(l)gihtii? Dahje "Show preview"? Čájet siiddu/teavstta(?) ovd(d)a(l)gihtii? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 20:18, 12 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

«change password» birra

This is a discussion about the term "change password". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

molsut beassansáni dahje rievdadit beassansáni? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 23:53, 12 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

«byte» birra

This is a discussion about the term "byte". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Stávval lea heajos molsaeaktu, go dat sáhttá leat sihke stavelse ja byte... Iige mearka leat seammá ášši. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 03:58, 13 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

«error» birra

This is a discussion about the term "error". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

An unknown error occurred ?= Dovdameahttun meattáhus čuožžila. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 04:12, 13 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

«visualeditor» birra

This is a discussion about the term "visualeditor". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Dábálaččat editor lea čállinprográmma, muhto lešgo Mediawikis rievdadanprográmma buoret? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 13:44, 16 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

«boolean» birra

This is a discussion about the term "boolean". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

KDE Linuxis lea bool*a*laš, muhto albmá goargu lea Bool*e*. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:13, 17 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

«read more» birra

This is a discussion about the term "read more". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Loga lasi/eambbo/eanet x birra? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 22:36, 18 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

«random» birra

This is a discussion about the term "random". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Sáhtesiidu? Deivvolaš siidu? Leago summal dušše advearba? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 23:10, 2 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

«upload» birra

This is a discussion about the term "upload". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Suoma Sámediggi geavaha maiddái luđet:

Lataa verokortti tähän:/Upload the tax card here: -> Luđe vearrogoartta dása: Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 11:19, 9 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

«string» birra

This is a discussion about the term "string". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Lene geavaha sreaŋgga, iige streaŋgga. Iige mearkaráidu (fuom. suomagillii string=merkkijono), go dát lea eŋgl. character set, gea http://sveinlund.info/data/samidiht.htm Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 12:58, 30 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

«query» birra

This is a discussion about the term "query". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Giellagáldu mielde: https://satni.uit.no/termwiki/index.php?title=Dihtorteknologiija_ja_diehtoteknihkka:jearran Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 13:05, 30 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Lassedieđut "sort" birra

This is a discussion about the term "sort". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Sámediggi geavaha dán https://sametinget.no/Kalender/CalendarEvents.aspx?lang=12&dir=ComingEvents&MId1=7&CategoryID=2&pageNumber=3&sprak=12 Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 14:01, 25 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Nappo Sámediggi geavaha "sirre".
Nuohtti fas geavaha "ordne":
Ordne Relevánsa / Jahki (vuohččan ođđaseamos) / Jahki (vuohččan boarráseamos) / Dahkki / Bajilčála / Maŋemus earáhuvvan Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 05:59, 16 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Lassedieđut "directory" birra

This is a discussion about the term "directory". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Dál mis lea "logahallan", muhto leago "directory" duođas "logahallan" sámegillii? Mu mielas dat ii leat. Lešgo "máhppa" dahje "ohcu" buoret? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 09:05, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Lassedieđut "number" birra

This is a discussion about the term "number". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Lean geavahan "nummir". Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 09:41, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Lassedieđut "responsive" birra

This is a discussion about the term "responsive". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Makkár sámegiel sátni dasa heive? Lea-Christine Sara (talk) 18:41, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Vuogáiduvvi dahje sajáiduvvi? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 10:52, 9 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Lassedieđut "defined" birra

This is a discussion about the term "defined". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

mii dat lea sámegillii? Lea-Christine Sara (talk) 18:46, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Makkár konteavsttas? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 11:06, 9 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "cascade" birra

This is a discussion about the term "cascade". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Lean geavahan viđje- dasa, muhto in dieđe, leago buorre jorgalus. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 12:39, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "recovery" birra

This is a discussion about the term "recovery". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Movt dán jorgala? Ante75 (talk) 14:47, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Suomagiel jorgalusain lea dávjá "palauttaminen" nappo "máhcaheapmi" ja muhtumin "pelastaminen" nappo "gádjun". Heivešgo juobbágoabbá dáin? Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 23:49, 15 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Giitu Ante75 (talk) 05:34, 21 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "message" birra

This is a discussion about the term "message". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

NRK Sápmi geavaha "dieđu"-sáni. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 12:02, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "description" birra

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maiddái "čilgehus" lea anus... Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:14, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "homepage" birra

This is a discussion about the term "homepage". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

https://satni.uit.no/termwiki/index.php?title=Dihtorteknologiija_ja_diehtoteknihkka:ruovttosiidu Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 16:45, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "browser" birra

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Maiddái neahttalohkki anus min jorgalusain. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 17:56, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "browser" birra

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Maiddái neahttalohkan ja neahttalogan anus. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 17:58, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ja maiddái neahttabláđejeaddji. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:04, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ja fierbmilohkki. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:27, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "device" birra

This is a discussion about the term "device". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Anus maiddái rusttet, bierggas, apparáhta, apparáhtta. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:08, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "skin" birra

This is a discussion about the term "skin". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Maid anus: - olggudashápmi - olggosoaidnu - bolku

Minecraftas lea fárda. Kimberli Mäkäräinen (WMNO) (talk) 18:57, 24 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Ságastallan "comment" birra

This is a discussion about the term "comment". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Suoma bealde dát lea kommeanta (gč. omd. https://www.finna.fi/Record/lapinkirjasto.1013902?sid=4840809388, mas lea Kommeanttat (0)) Yupik (talk) 11:33, 14 October 2024 (UTC)Reply