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Project talk:Rally-2015-05

From translatewiki.net


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Project:Rally-2015-051112:46, 4 June 2019
Where are our money!?310:35, 22 July 2016
Well done everybody! 412:25, 1 July 2015
2015-05 Translation Statistics312:40, 29 June 2015


I have a question. I am the participant of the project "Project:Rally-2015-05" and interests me, when i receive my prize ? Thanks!

Otogi (talk)08:25, 30 June 2015

Yeah, I've the same question. Regards!

Ryo567 (talk)16:37, 30 June 2015

I've taken part on 11 rally events. The payment periods are very variable. Only one thing is sure... We'll get our payments. So, be calm and enjoy the summer ;)

Joe Taras (talk)10:41, 1 July 2015

I am waiting for an e-mail. Did not get one yet. It's holiday time.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)14:07, 1 July 2015

I am waiting my prize too, but no one says nothing.

David1010 (talk)15:13, 2 July 2015

Does somebody have any info about current situation?

Okras (talk)08:12, 17 October 2015

Where are our money!?

Hi, I've taken apart to translation rally (as usual) but today, 31 May 2016 I have no receive any money.

In passed months I've received some mails from other users, with the same request. I've always replied "Don't worry, in the past I've no trouble about payments, it will arrive", but today my hope fade away.

This is very strange because in the other rallies, the prize has always arrived, may be with after some months, but now has passed more than one year. Please tell us when we can receive our prize.

Thanks in advance

Joe Taras (talk)12:00, 31 May 2016

It's true! I almost forgot about this haha.


Ryo567 (talk)13:53, 31 May 2016

Today, I write on Support page. I'll wait for a response. Have nice day

Joe Taras (talk)08:43, 30 June 2016

Hi, this is the thread on Support page

Joe Taras (talk)10:35, 22 July 2016

Well done everybody!

Thank you all for making this rally a success! I hope that you had fun and that you will find the time to keep making Wikipedia easy to use for all of the people speaking your language. Your work is so very valuable!

Jopparn (talk)07:22, 26 May 2015

Thank you

David1010 (talk)22:57, 26 May 2015

This was not a success. Because of the money reward there are now hundreds of meaningless translations in Turkish.

--Stultiwikiatext me22:17, 29 May 2015

I am very sorry to hear that Stultiwikia! I see that actions have been taken by Siebrand already.

Overall there were 201 users that contributed at least one new translation in 106 languages, and a massive 44,844 new translations were done during these nine days.

Jopparn (talk)00:24, 30 May 2015

It was nice rally and (except of very long messages...) I have enjoyed it! It even inspired me about supporting translation on local level in Wikimedia SK.

KuboF (talk)12:25, 1 July 2015

2015-05 Translation Statistics

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 12:40, 29 June 2015

Here are some statistics. Some are current, and not useful when the rally has ended, others will remain useful. When the rally has ended, statistics per language, product group, and user (top 10) will be published.

Contributions per hour past day Translators per hour past day Contributions May 2015 Contributions May 2015, per day
Contributions per day during rally Translators per day during rally Active translators in May 2015 Active translators in May 2015, day
Siebrand19:37, 16 May 2015

Hi Siebrand,

Do you know how the average numbers for the week before the rally so that we can compare?

Jopparn (talk)07:29, 26 May 2015

You can play with graphs if you go to Special:TranslationStats.

Nike (talk)12:35, 29 June 2015

I've added a per-day graph to compare other days of May. Scroll your screen to the right to see it.

Nemo (talk)12:40, 29 June 2015