revert/rollback/undo/undelete birra
This is a discussion about the term "rollback". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.
Eai leat seammá áššit...
- revert: restores the content of a page to an earlier revision without making any changes
- rollback: reverts with one click
- undo: reverts a page to an earlier version, but possible to make changes and write an edit summary.
- undelete: dieđe jo...
Undo lea suomagielat jorgalusain kumota nappo sámás gomihit já revert/rollback/undelete palauttaa nappo sámegielat máhcahit. Mu mielas sáhttá leat buoret nuppegežiid go lea vejolaš rievdadit teavstta undoin. Ná undo = máhcahit ja revert/rollback/undelete = gomihit. Juos undelete lea seammá go undo, de undo/undelete = máhcahit ja revert/rollback = gomihit.