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Top list


Just as in the previous rally, I thought it might be nice to post the current top list. So here we go!

  • Gazeb 1525
  • Dbc334 700

There are 4 users that are less than 100 contributions below the #2.

I'd say *plenty* of possibilities to go for that bonus.

Siebrand14:06, 22 October 2010

Dbc334 is translating MediaWiki extensions when sl MediaWiki has still not completed Extensions used by Wikimedia. I saw rule "First complete translations for MediaWiki (core), then complete translations for MediaWiki extensions used by Wikimedia then work on All MediaWiki extensions." In my opinion it is not correct what is Dbc334 doing in this Rally . If I would do so, I would have much more translated messages, as I would select the shortest ones from all extensions.

Gazeb18:20, 23 October 2010

Thanks for letting me know. I warned the user now that there is still time to complete the remaining 160 or so messages in the required group.

Siebrand18:39, 23 October 2010