About [[Intuition:General-last-modified-date/en]]

They are provided separately to a different part of the translation workflow. Each language has a preset for date and time formatting (similar to MediaWiki's history page I guess). We don't want different parts of the interface to have a different date/time format, so this is localised in one place, and then (already localised) passed on to messages like these.

Krinkle (talk)20:27, 4 May 2014

This does not answer my question. Is this a date only? If not so, the message needs date and time separated.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)18:49, 24 February 2015

It's only a date. It comes from Intuition:General-dateformat/en.

Krinkle (talk)20:22, 20 August 2015