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About [[Shapado:Shared-shared.empty.questions.description.text/en]]


Be the first to <a href="%{url}">ask a question<a/>!

What values can "%{action_link}" have?

Siebrand10:54, 27 February 2012

It only has the value of "ask a question" for now.

Patcito (talk)19:48, 5 March 2012

And what message is that (and is that message also used in another context)? I assume you know where I'm going :).

In Dutch for example, the translation is "action as first". That makes little sense now that I know that it is...

Siebrand19:50, 5 March 2012

The message is Shapado:Shared-shared.empty.questions.description.action_link/en, it's not used in another context for now... I guess we could get rid of it, is that what you mean?

Patcito (talk)19:55, 5 March 2012

If you could combine the two, that would be highly preferred.

Siebrand19:58, 5 March 2012