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Considering to translate multiroutemap on Translatewiki

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Last edit: 21:11, 12 March 2012

Ok, we can start with the Gettext files, but if it's not too much hassle, I'd just set up translating of the .rst files through wikipages. We can look through them before they go into production. As for the rest:

  1. Commit access: I assume Sarah should give Siebrand push access?
  2. Project description: I've made a draft here. Could you make a "logo" based on your top right icons (or something more "proper" if you like) Sarah? Should have a short description when the long one is done.
  3. Sarah has changed the name from "multiroutemap" to "waymarked-trails-site" on Github. I think we should call it "Waymarked Trails" and "waymarked-trails" if lower case and sans space is needed.
  4. New languages are added by adding them on new line around here.
Dittaeva (talk)22:31, 9 March 2012

I've chatted with Nike on IRC, and he wishes for himself and Amir (Amir will probably become the committer) to also get push access, to increase flexibility I presume.

Dittaeva (talk)11:19, 10 March 2012

Nike, Amir and Siebrand should have push access now.

Dittaeva (talk)22:07, 11 March 2012

I've finalized the draft project description including icons from the project as an illustration/logo.

Dittaeva (talk)23:22, 10 March 2012