Fallback language for cbk-zam.wikipedia.org

Fallback language for cbk-zam.wikipedia.org

This is a request for fallback language of cbk-zam.wikipedia.org which is currently es to revert back to English (en).

Reverting it back to en will ensure smooth and easy translation of the wiki as I (alone) begin the task.

I need help and support, therefore I need support for this request.

Thank you and kind regards. Weekeejames 07:40, 11 November 2009 (UTC)

Weekeejames07:40, 11 November 2009

The fallback language is used everywhere .. it is not local to translatewiki.net.. Also you translate in the translate environment... you will see the English and manbe the Spanish.. but you still have to localise it in your language to make a difference-

GerardM08:02, 11 November 2009

Yes I understand, but Im getting confused with the fallback language (es) of cbk-zam because both languages are like twins. Where there is no translation of cbk-zam, es appears, so I get confused making disctinctions. It would really be helpful if I see English rather than Spanish as fallback language because I can easily see the distinction.

I just changed my language preference here at translatewiki to cbk-zam and I see Spanish words [when words have not been translated yet to cbk-zam] like "responder" (es) instead of "responde" (cbk-zam) or more preferably "reply" (en). So I rather see "reply" than "responder" so I can easily translate it to "responde". You got my point? I just want to make this task easier for me. Thanks.

UPDATE: Nevermind... Just disregard my request. Thanks.

Weekeejames08:20, 11 November 2009