Fallback language for cbk-zam.wikipedia.org

Yes I understand, but Im getting confused with the fallback language (es) of cbk-zam because both languages are like twins. Where there is no translation of cbk-zam, es appears, so I get confused making disctinctions. It would really be helpful if I see English rather than Spanish as fallback language because I can easily see the distinction.

I just changed my language preference here at translatewiki to cbk-zam and I see Spanish words [when words have not been translated yet to cbk-zam] like "responder" (es) instead of "responde" (cbk-zam) or more preferably "reply" (en). So I rather see "reply" than "responder" so I can easily translate it to "responde". You got my point? I just want to make this task easier for me. Thanks.

UPDATE: Nevermind... Just disregard my request. Thanks.

Weekeejames08:20, 11 November 2009