Incorrect changes to qqq

Incorrect changes to qqq

Translations from User:Arief from 19:08 to 19:56 in 3 Jan 2016 should be removed or moved (from 'qqq' to 'id').

Macofe (talk)21:27, 15 January 2016

I tried to rename several sample ones to /id but failed because these ones already existed. So, the /qqq messages need to be either deleted or translated to English. I did by far not try all of the messages, nor did I compare them. It is likely best to leave that to Arief who understands the texts an likely remembers what he did.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)08:48, 25 January 2016

Most pages were moved to /id. Pages that couldn't be moved will be deleted.

Siebrand14:29, 10 February 2016