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$1 is not, in general, a username of a wiki user, it might be any free text (real name, pseudonym, company name, etc.) – it is used at commons:Template:Attribution.

Mormegil10:55, 25 February 2011

For gender that doesn't really matter - because "gender unknown" is taken care of, too. So when gender is know, the correct address will be used. As far as I can tell, GENDER can be used in these messages (correct me if I'm wrong).

Siebrand15:07, 25 February 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 08:42, 28 February 2011

Hesitantly yes, but possibly better not: We may have the situation of a user name matching the name of someone else, who's an artist but not a user of that name. That might yield:

  • [[User:Pat Smith|Pat Smith|]] → string is not a user name → unknown gender
  • Pat Smith → User:Pat Smith's gender

either of which is not what we want, and may be arbitrarily wrong. Pat may be Patrick as well as Patricia.

Likely, having an extra message for known users would do one trick, and another message for everyone else including people, groups of artists, companies, etc.. This 2nd message could also be using correct genders where possible, if we were to revise a design decision. See bug 27743. With it fixed, users could specify artists genders as template parameters on Commons.

Purodha Blissenbach12:20, 27 February 2011

$1 is free text so we don't know the gender. I don't think you can and want to force in the gender.

Multichill12:28, 27 February 2011

What do you think about supplying the gender via a template parameter, having the default "unknown"?

Purodha Blissenbach12:33, 27 February 2011

whatever works ... There is no value for the person currently logged in.

GerardM22:34, 27 February 2011

This message (and few similar ones) are used in templates inside descriptions of uploaded files where they refer to the copyright holder of that uploaded file. That can be a user of the wiki, or someone or somegroup else. If the currently logged in user is meant, (s)he is referred to in the same way any other wiki user is. For these message, there needs to be no special treatment for the person currently logged in.

Purodha Blissenbach08:40, 28 February 2011