MediaWiki translate

MediaWiki translate^25+messageid%3A%22MediaWiki%3AScribunto-common-error-category%22^10+%22Pages+with+script+errors%22

How do I get to the language I want from this? The first choice is English. I am coming from the link from the local pages.

This offers the user the option of editing existing translations. I cannot choose /fi if I want. Where is the problem and how am I to be appeased?

Pxos (talk)21:44, 2 March 2014

Sorry, I don't understand the problem definition or the steps to reproduce. Can you please describe the following:

  1. What you try to accomplish (description)
  2. What you did (steps to reproduce) to try to accomplish what you described in step 1.
  3. What you saw (observation)
  4. What you expected (expected behaviour)


Siebrand18:17, 12 March 2014

Pxos, no translation existed at the time so no translation could be found. You have to reach the appropriate subpage (known bug) by digging the message key in the dropdown of the message (known bug).

Nemo (talk)19:34, 25 April 2014