Merge accounts

Merge accounts

Please merge User:Aurimas Fišeras to my current account (User:Aurimas). User:Aurimas Fišeras was created by mistake after not receiving password reset email for User:Aurimas.

Aurimas (talk)11:23, 3 September 2016

We don't have any user merge feature installed here.

Nemo (talk)19:34, 3 September 2016

Then delete account User:Aurimas Fišeras.

Aurimas (talk)05:11, 4 September 2016

Accounts can't be deleted either. I can rename that account to a random name though.

Nemo (talk)08:11, 4 September 2016

Extension:UserMerge is installed here and Staff can use it. Just enter to Special:UserMerge and follow the instructions. Best regards.

MarcoAurelio (talk)20:37, 4 September 2016

I have access to the special page, but deletions are currently broken in core so I'll try another time.

Nemo (talk)20:40, 4 September 2016