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Mistakes in Europeana:MyCodeOfConduct

Mistakes in Europeana:MyCodeOfConduct


There are a couple of mistakes in the English text of Europeana:MyCodeOfConduct t/en. Mostly missing spaces. Here's a correction:

I understand that My Europeana gives me the opportunity to create tags for any item I wish. I agree that I will not create any tags that could be considered libelous, harmful, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inflammatory, harassing, pornographic, obscene, fraudulent, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. By clicking this box I agree to abide by this agreement, and understand that if I don't, my membership of My Europeana will be terminated.

Amir E. Aharoni14:01, 18 January 2011

Support for Europeana may be dropped soon, because we're not getting the support form the project we require. More news soon.

Siebrand17:46, 25 January 2011

That would suck after i invested a whole day translating it, instead of writing homework :)

Amir E. Aharoni10:24, 26 January 2011

Support for Europeana has been suspended. A full export was made and e-mailed to them. Reason for suspension is that they have e-mailed they need to set up an infrastructure for integration translations from our platform and they cannot make time for that before end of spring/beginning of summer. Until then, we wouldn't want you to make contributions to Europeana and have to wait for that long before they are actually used. I have specifically requested the 3.500 or so contributions so far to be integrated.

Siebrand00:54, 1 February 2011

This seems reasonable. Thank you for your efforts!

Amir E. Aharoni08:16, 1 February 2011