Odd language mix in lqt notification e-mail from {{SITENAME}}

Odd language mix in lqt notification e-mail from {{SITENAME}}

I have got a notification e-mail about my altered user_talk page on twn. It is message lqt-enotif-newthread (in version oldid=2836668 of February, 22th)
Here is a copy of the e-mail body:

Leeven Purodha,
dat hee es en Nohreesch translatewiki.net,
dat ene neue Diskussionsstrang zom Teema
„[[StatusNet:Emailsummary-a06ed6130aa26671389f191e1440733bd0c8f3a4-p a href=" 1s" change your em/en]]“
öm 18:29 Uhr aam 24. Aprel 2011 op dä Sigg User talk:Purodha
dobei jekumme es. Jeschrwevve däd_en dä Metmaacher Giftpflanze

Beloore kanns de dä op

Der Täx es:
Hallo Purodha,

du hast das auf /en übersetzt, das sollte wohl aber auf /ksh, oder?

Ene schööne Jrohß!

This e-mail has oddities:

  1. The result of {{int:lqt-history-thread}} is from the wrong language, German (de) instead of Colognian (ksh), or 1st fallback language, not the message language itrself, that is, we read "Diskussionsstrang" (wrong) not "Jeschprääschßfäddem" (right). On the message page, MediaWiki:Lqt-enotif-newthread/ksh, it appears correct, at least when I am viewing it. My user language is ksh.
  2. The result of {{GRAMMAR:Genitiv vun|{{SITENAME}}}} is wrong. There is no article+preposition added, as it should be. This appears correct on the message edit page, and incorrect on the mesage page, which is a known deficiency. In the e-mail, GRAMMAR could be taken from German (de), but there are many other explanations as well.
  3. {{GENDER:$8|dä|dat|dä Metmaacher|de|et}} at least was taken from Colognian (ksh) in the e-mail and appears to be correct.

These oddities are not systematic, though.

Purodha Blissenbach20:13, 26 April 2011

Please report the issue in bugzilla: under extension LiquidThreads.

Siebrand20:40, 26 April 2011