PLURAL in macedonian

Plural status of 11[edit source]

Hello guys. In support of Brest, not only me, but every Macedonian in the world would vouch for what he is saying. Everything ending in 1 is singular except the number 11, which is plural. Thus, in Macedonian we have `21 дете` (21 child) but `11 деца` (11 children).

I find it extremely hard to find language literature that refers to this particular fact, but trust me, it is so, this is extremely-common knowledge.

To see that 11 is in fact plural, one should conduct a simple Google search in quotation marks "like this". Search for "11 singular noun" and then "11 plural noun" and compare results. The only "11 singular noun" sequence that you'll get are the ordered points in a list, i.e. '11.'

Try doing this Google advanced search, where under "Search within a site or domain" type .mk and search the above suggested way. You will find exactly what we are talking about. Whoever is not familiar with the language, its nouns and plurals, they can always take from the `$1singular|$1plural` stuff here from the Macedonian translations at translatewiki and test them in the perscribed manner. I have already conducted many tests on different words and Google, sure enough, gives something like 100:1 results for what Brest and I are saying.

Here are some example searches for you, so you can see what we are saying:

"11 куќа" (11 house) as opposed to "11 куќи" (11 houses)

"11 година" (11 year) as opposed to "11 години" (11 years)

"11 месец" (11 month) as opposed to "11 месеци" (11 months)

"11 девојка" (11 girl) as opposed to "11 девојки" (11 girls)

"11 земја" (11 country) as opposed to "11 земји" (11 countries)

I hope that this would be enough proof for you. Thanks a lot for your efforts. --B. Jankuloski 11:52, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

B. Jankuloski11:52, 4 December 2009