Percentage bar always wrong in subgroup preview

Percentage bar always wrong in subgroup preview

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 23:14, 5 February 2014
Translate - Group Descriptions showing 100% int the pop-out but actual on-page percentage bar showing 82%.

Firstly sorry if this should have been filed elsewhere but it wasn't clear if interface bugs should go here or into bugzilla (and under which category if so).

When browsing subgroups in the subgroup pop-up at Special:Translate the percentage bar seems to always show 100% translated, 0% proofread independent on the actual status of that subgroup.

It works correctly at the MediaWiki level but starts giving nonsense from the Extensions level onwards.

Is this bug known since before? If so is there a bugzilla (or local equivalent) tracking it?

Lokal Profil (talk)15:01, 14 January 2014

It has a bug now at least, 60128.

Lokal Profil (talk)14:04, 16 January 2014