Start Hanja Script language for Korean

I don't think we should move Korean translation made in Hangul-only to [ko-Hang]. This is their normal modern form for Korean [ko-Kore].

The use of [ko-Hang] would be ONLY to propose a transliteration to Hangul of Hanjas still normally used in modern Korean.

The interest for [ko-Hang]would be to allow a site to display Hangul easily without needing a large Han font, and it may be useful for small devices that have limited fonts

Note also that [ko-Jamo] is not needed given that encoded Hangul clusters are canonically decomposable to Jamos (so rendering on low-resolution terminals that can only display aligned (non-composed) jamos is possible algorithmically. As well this easily allows generating a romanisation fully algoithmically. Only Hanjas cause problems as they require a lookup in a possibly large dictionnary (which is not fully defined and extended regularly in successibve Unicode versions; in some cases, Hanjas do not have a well defined phonology and may turn to several distinct Hangul clusters, depending on the reader, and that's probably why some Hanjas have been kept to avoid confusions, notably for proper names).

Verdy p (talk)14:29, 13 October 2020