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Strange "matching" suggestion while editing [[Wikia:Editpagelayout-helpLink-url/nl]]

I believe SPQRobin is referring to something else. The text that is being presented for a 100% match is not the latest version of the 100% matched message. I noticed this today.

Hamilton Abreu00:46, 23 May 2011

Actually, forget about "not the latest". If you edit MediaWiki:Wikiforum-save/pt, there is a single 100% match at the top of the suggestions that says: "Versão para impressão". That is pretty weird, because if you open the 100% matched message, MediaWiki:Saveprefs/pt, it says "Gravar". And its previous version said "Salvar". So, none of the versions of the 100% matched message says "Versão para impressão", as is being suggested.

Hamilton Abreu20:16, 23 May 2011

Indeed. This is a strange bug. The message used as suggestion (which contains "Help:Bewerken") never said "Identificatie toevoegen", but it does show that as suggestion. I really wonder where that text comes from.

SPQRobin22:19, 23 May 2011

I got the same again in another message: if you edit MediaWiki:Notificator-change-tag/nl ("wijzigen" = "change"), you see "Kan de databasecodelijst cl_logical bewerken" as 100% matching text, but the message actually says "wijzigen".

SPQRobin19:37, 10 June 2011
SPQRobin21:45, 14 June 2011

It occurred again on another message. I thought it'd be better to submit a bug, so: bugzilla:29728.

SPQRobin01:19, 6 July 2011