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[[iNaturalist:Change descriptions.drop/en]]


There is a typo on iNaturalist:Change descriptions.drop/en.

It should be compatibility instead of compatability.

I don't know how to change it. I was told in the past to never change the English version of messages.

Guycn2 · 23:16, 5 July 2016

I'll fix them on the original github project

Exonie (talk)23:41, 5 July 2016

Thank you. Does everybody can fix it, or it requires some rights?

Guycn2 · 23:46, 5 July 2016

anyone can suggest changes but ordinary users (like me) can can only issue a pull request (to merge the changes) which should be reviewed and approved by admins

Exonie (talk)23:50, 5 July 2016

Can I issue a pull request by myself, or should I ask here every time I think an English message should be changed?

Guycn2 · 01:22, 6 July 2016

yes, you can. u just need an account on github and a basic understanding of git. here're the files with the strings: https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/tree/master/config/locales

Exonie (talk)17:45, 9 July 2016

Thanks :)

Guycn2 · 17:56, 9 July 2016