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Duplicate messages?

Duplicate messages?

Are Media.new media (“New media”) and Media.mew media (“New media”) duplicates of the same message?

[[kgh]]20:01, 25 February 2011

I'm sorry. That's an error, a typo I think. The key 'media.mew_media' can be removed, it had to be 'media.new_media'.


Elfuego18:18, 27 February 2011

Thank you for clarifying this. I will inform Siebrand. Cheers

[[kgh]]21:59, 27 February 2011

Developer has to remove the key in the source language. If that is done, the message will be removed from the to be translated key here.

Siebrand22:33, 27 February 2011

I believe this has been sorted.

Lcawte21:01, 1 March 2011