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About [[Wikia:Article-comments-file-page/en]], [[Wikia:Article-blog-comments-file-page/en]] and [[Wikia:Blog-file-page/en]]


Can you add documentation for parameters? Thanks!

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 08:19, 17 January 2013

QQQ documentation added for all three messages. Hope this helps and thanks for your translating time!

Timothy Quievryn (talk)21:29, 24 January 2013

Regarding the latter two messages, they were more unambigious with "[blog] article <a href='$_'>$_</a>" instead of "<a href='$_'>$_</a> post".

Wait, is Wikia:Blog-file-page/en even being used?

PtM (talk)10:37, 25 January 2013