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Thank you for contributing to the Hakka translation of Blockly. I am afraid I am ignorant about Hakka. Could you tell me:

  • What direction the script is written in? The options in Blockly are either right-to-left or left-to-right (not up-to-down).
  • Can your translation be used for other dialects of Chinese?
  • How do you write Hak-kâ-fa in Hak-kâ-fa Pinyin (if that's the right term)?

I'm also asking the same questions of the other translator, User:Anson2812.

Espertus (talk)07:51, 9 May 2013

I am sorry that I enter the wrong page.

Anson2812 (talk)10:04, 9 May 2013

You didn't enter the wrong page. I asked the question twice, since I didn't want to overlook either translator. I'm posting her so Jetlag knows the question has been answered on your talk page.

Thanks again, both of you, for your contributions.

Espertus (talk)14:51, 9 May 2013

OK, I would like to answer your questions.

1. The script direction of Hakka is left-to-right. 2. Hakka is a Chinese dialect, it's different from other Chinese dialects. You may deem it an independent language that coded by Chinese character. 3. We use "Hak-kâ-fa" as Romanize script, "客家話" in Chinese character, "Hakka" in English.

It was pleasure to answer your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Jetlag (talk)01:54, 10 May 2013