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Translation rights revoked

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Lemondoge

Hi. My name is Anna, and I am the parent of the child who owns this account. I'm not sure what "use your translator rights with appropriate restraint" means, but I want to assure you that any actions by this particular child which have been discovered to be unsuitable were not intentionally so. This is a boy who is "on the spectrum" and I don't know that he understood what this is all about. I am so sorry for that and for any trouble that has been made. Now that I realize what the purpose of this is I do see that he isn't a candidate, and it's my hope that you can understand that there was nothing malicious going on.

Thank you.


Lemondoge (talk)21:33, 18 April 2016

Hi Anna. Thank you for your reply, Anna. With "with(out) appropriate restraint" I meant to express that in our eyes that this person didn't use correct judgement in contributing to languages (specifically Dutch, Spanish and Russian). Their proficiency level was too low, and hence the quality of their contributions were inadequate. Luckily we caught it before too much harm was done.

Siebrand12:18, 20 April 2016