
I see no use for this kind of edit summaries, and that's why we have autosummaries disabled.

Nike21:31, 11 November 2010

I hate when I need to open every message from RC to be able to review the translation.

Mormegil22:04, 11 November 2010

You can see the translations from Atom feed. I'm working on getting the definitions too there.

Nike08:15, 12 November 2010

This does not look very legible to me (in Opera, at least). (Not to mention those two additional clicks needed to get to it.) Now, the version I get when not logged in seems a bit better… Isn’t that a bug, RC feed should be ignorant of user options, shouldn’t it?

Is there any problem using edit summaries for… well… edit summaries? It is fine to improve feeds, but I am not really interested in feeds, I use the RC page and I can’t see a reason to have that page unusable.

Mormegil11:07, 13 November 2010

I don't know what you are seeing in the feed.

Summary should be the reason why you did a particular change, which for new messages is always the same and should be left out. Like I said in the previous message, I and other people are trying to make proper tools for doing review. Until they are ready feel free to do what you think is best.

Nike12:37, 13 November 2010