Your translations [sr-ec]

Your translations [sr-ec]

Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:30, 15 January 2017

Hello there, Perevod16!

I've noticed you've started translating certain projects into Serbian. While I appreciate the effort, you cannot solely use a machine translation service for your translations. As it stands right now, a good chunk of the translations aren't grammatically correct (ie. this one doesn't have the right gender ["птица" is feminine, not masculine - "није добила"], this one doesn't have the right grammatical case [in this context, you should use the accusative case – "галерију"], and this one makes no sense at all [it should say something like "Промените угао да птица може уловити црва и слетети у своје гнездо."]). If you're going to continue translating, you need to familiarize yourself with the grammar of the language you're translating into. Otherwise, you'll have to stop translating as it only causes us [the people who maintain Portal:sr] more work having to correct the mistakes you've made.

Srdjan m (talk)10:31, 12 March 2016

Добро. Ја сам мислио да је боље да је лош превод, него уопште нема. Нисам мислио да је машински превод је толико лош.

Perevod16 (talk)16:24, 15 March 2016

I mean – it's not that bad per se, [I can easily understand what you meant even though it's not grammatically correct], but the local community really dislikes the practice. They prefer not to have any translations than to have bad ones, which is why I've notified you. Sorry to be such a downer. Have a great day. :)

Srdjan m (talk)10:27, 16 March 2016