User talk:Perevod16

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Translating offline

Hi Perevod16. Welcome to!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 20:32, 2 March 2016 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Your translations [sr-ec]217:30, 15 January 2017

Your translations [sr-ec]

Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:30, 15 January 2017

Hello there, Perevod16!

I've noticed you've started translating certain projects into Serbian. While I appreciate the effort, you cannot solely use a machine translation service for your translations. As it stands right now, a good chunk of the translations aren't grammatically correct (ie. this one doesn't have the right gender ["птица" is feminine, not masculine - "није добила"], this one doesn't have the right grammatical case [in this context, you should use the accusative case – "галерију"], and this one makes no sense at all [it should say something like "Промените угао да птица може уловити црва и слетети у своје гнездо."]). If you're going to continue translating, you need to familiarize yourself with the grammar of the language you're translating into. Otherwise, you'll have to stop translating as it only causes us [the people who maintain Portal:sr] more work having to correct the mistakes you've made.

Srdjan m (talk)10:31, 12 March 2016

Добро. Ја сам мислио да је боље да је лош превод, него уопште нема. Нисам мислио да је машински превод је толико лош.

Perevod16 (talk)16:24, 15 March 2016

I mean – it's not that bad per se, [I can easily understand what you meant even though it's not grammatically correct], but the local community really dislikes the practice. They prefer not to have any translations than to have bad ones, which is why I've notified you. Sorry to be such a downer. Have a great day. :)

Srdjan m (talk)10:27, 16 March 2016