Please stop revert war

And you've not followed the actual bug which was finally recognized in the code and just corrected today ! Before that there was a need of workaround (for the previous version that worked since 2014, only the new version deployed in Commons in January was affected by this bug).

There were also bugs (still remaining) in the way the resources on Translate wiki were imported into the new version (by jenkins-bot) directly as JSON strings with incomplete pars ing.

However the new version still requires Javascript and the classic server-based form still uses the MediaWiki parser which correctly strips the HTML comments and still require them.

The confusion was also in the wrong instructions given at top of the message, asking to adapt the URL, something that actually have NEVER worked and will now NEVER work with the new client-side Javascript-based upload wizard.

So all I did was to signal the bug, and find a workaround for the current standard version (working in the legacy version, before the beta that was deployed in Commons in January without having been really tested!). Only Commons was in trouble (because of the early deployment of this beta), not any other wiki !

Still the beta now on Commons does not work correctly, as it now requires Javascript and the legacy code (which was entirely server-based) has been broken ! This new UploadWizard is then not part of standard MediaWiki, it canot be deployed elsewhere.

The "jenkins-bot" tool that import and convert these strings to JSON files on the repository still needs fixing to correctly support both versions (the new "cute" javascript version, and the classic form processed by the server and not requiring any javascript but with less assistance for selecting licences.

Verdy p (talk)23:25, 7 March 2018