Great to have you

Great to have you

Hi Wyz. Great to have you here. I was just checking the recent changes and I noticed your activity. You have almost made 2.000 contributions already, which is awesome. Thank you for all your efforts! I hope you will keep coming back a lot in the future. Please be aware you can always ask questions on Support. Cheers!

Siebrand23:14, 21 August 2011

Hi and thanks. Almost 2.000, wow. I'm mainly checking Wikia messages but it takes a lot of time already. TranslateWiki is a great tool with a lot of members. Apart some bugs where it display messages remaining to translate when it's not, it works great. The sync with Wikia is not the best too but I know that both are working on it.

Wyz18:02, 22 August 2011

Sync should be about weekly, but I've gotten pissed at them a few times in the past, holding off on updates to pressure them. Looks like things may indeed be improving (and we always need more staff...) :P

Siebrand23:25, 22 August 2011