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From translatewiki.net
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XTools is a suite of tools to analyze pages, users and projects of a single MediaWiki installation or wiki farm..

Main page: https://xtools.wmflabs.org

Project information:


Languages with translation completion less than 25% are not committed to version control. If the project consists of multiple message groups, the limit is applied to each group separately.

Translation updates are exported to version control every Monday and Thursday.


Translation statistics

The numbers shown below are cached and may not show the latest status. See this stats page for always up-to-date statistics.

Language Messages Untranslated Completion Reviewed Outdated
ab: Abkhazian 504 419 16% 0% 0%
af: Afrikaans 507 496 2% 0% 0%
ang: Old English 504 470 6% 0% 0%
anp: Angika 504 55 89% 99% 1%
ar: Arabic 509 2 99% 88% 1%
as: Assamese 504 478 5% 0% 0%
ase: American Sign Language 504 485 3% 0% 1%
ast: Asturian 505 36 92% 0% 1%
av: Avaric 509 271 46% 14% 0%
az: Azerbaijani 504 49 90% 52% 1%
azb: South Azerbaijani 504 421 16% 0% 1%
ba: Bashkir 504 458 9% 4% 1%
ban: Balinese 504 390 22% 38% 0%
bar: Bavarian 504 338 32% 0% 0%
bcc: Southern Balochi 505 485 3% 0% 0%
be: Belarusian 504 299 40% 66% 0%
be-tarask: Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography) 508 0 100% 5% 0%
bg: Bulgarian 504 91 81% 19% 1%
bho: Bhojpuri 504 490 2% 0% 0%
blk: Pa'O 504 481 4% 0% 0%
bn: Bangla 510 2 99% 32% 1%
br: Breton 508 37 92% 0% 2%
bs: Bosnian 504 304 39% 0% 1%
ca: Catalan 504 326 35% 1% 0%
ce: Chechen 504 140 72% 0% 1%
ckb: Central Kurdish 508 8 98% 37% 1%
cs: Czech 504 83 83% 33% 1%
cy: Welsh 504 267 47% 8% 1%
da: Danish 504 69 86% 38% 1%
de: German 505 0 100% 80% 0%
diq: Zazaki 504 336 33% 51% 0%
el: Greek 504 77 84% 5% 2%
en: English 510 0 100% 0% 0%
eo: Esperanto 504 283 43% 0% 0%
es: Spanish 505 5 99% 97% 1%
et: Estonian 504 133 73% 0% 1%
eu: Basque 504 86 82% 99% 2%
fa: Persian 509 56 88% 20% 2%
fi: Finnish 508 16 96% 34% 1%
fr: French 510 0 100% 98% 0%
gcf: Guadeloupean Creole 504 480 4% 0% 0%
gl: Galician 505 0 100% 0% 0%
gom-latn: Goan Konkani (Latin script) 504 400 20% 0% 0%
gu: Gujarati 504 357 29% 0% 0%
he: Hebrew 507 0 100% 90% 0%
hi: Hindi 504 167 66% 80% 2%
hr: Croatian 504 68 86% 44% 1%
hu: Hungarian 504 27 94% 0% 1%
hy: Armenian 507 203 59% 10% 1%
hyw: Western Armenian 504 470 6% 5% 0%
ia: Interlingua 504 466 7% 7% 0%
id: Indonesian 504 1 99% 21% 1%
ig: Igbo 504 489 2% 0% 0%
inh: Ingush 504 491 2% 15% 0%
io: Ido 504 240 52% 0% 0%
is: Icelandic 504 482 4% 0% 0%
it: Italian 505 5 99% 16% 0%
ja: Japanese 509 46 90% 4% 1%
jv: Javanese 504 214 57% 0% 1%
ka: Georgian 508 202 60% 0% 1%
kaa: Kara-Kalpak 504 148 70% 0% 0%
kab: Kabyle 507 376 25% 0% 1%
khw: Khowar 504 459 8% 0% 0%
kjp: Eastern Pwo 504 466 7% 0% 0%
kk-cyrl: Kazakh (Cyrillic script) 505 458 9% 0% 0%
kn: Kannada 504 375 25% 0% 0%
ko: Korean 504 19 96% 6% 1%
ks-arab: Kashmiri (Arabic script) 505 367 27% 78% 0%
ksh: Colognian 508 483 4% 0% 0%
ksw: S'gaw Karen 504 481 4% 21% 1%
ku-latn: Kurdish (Latin script) 504 405 19% 1% 0%
kum: Kumyk 504 363 27% 17% 0%
ky: Kyrgyz 504 407 19% 0% 0%
lb: Luxembourgish 505 138 72% 35% 0%
li: Limburgish 504 487 3% 0% 0%
lmo: Lombard 504 469 6% 0% 0%
lt: Lithuanian 507 13 97% 41% 1%
lv: Latvian 504 437 13% 25% 0%
mi: Māori 504 478 5% 0% 0%
mk: Macedonian 510 0 100% 38% 0%
ml: Malayalam 508 49 90% 34% 1%
mn: Mongolian 507 465 8% 0% 0%
mni: Manipuri 508 199 60% 0% 1%
mnw: Mon 504 163 67% 0% 1%
mr: Marathi 508 98 80% 94% 2%
ms: Malay 504 0 100% 1% 0%
my: Burmese 508 101 80% 0% 2%
nb: Norwegian Bokmål 504 2 99% 0% 0%
ne: Nepali 509 126 75% 78% 0%
nl: Dutch 505 0 100% 58% 0%
nyn: Nyankole 504 488 3% 0% 0%
oc: Occitan 507 310 38% 0% 0%
pa: Punjabi 504 117 76% 0% 1%
pcd: Picard 504 487 3% 0% 0%
pl: Polish 507 127 74% 5% 0%
pnb: Western Punjabi 505 490 2% 0% 0%
ps: Pashto 509 214 57% 4% 1%
pt: Portuguese 504 12 97% 8% 0%
pt-br: Brazilian Portuguese 506 5 99% 92% 1%
qqq: Message documentation 510 0 100% 0% 0%
ro: Romanian 504 9 98% 82% 1%
roa-tara: Tarantino 504 484 3% 100% 0%
ru: Russian 509 0 100% 97% 0%
sat: Santali 504 435 13% 68% 0%
scn: Sicilian 504 312 38% 0% 1%
sco: Scots 504 344 31% 0% 2%
sd: Sindhi 505 221 56% 0% 1%
sdc: Sassarese Sardinian 504 444 11% 0% 1%
sdh: Southern Kurdish 504 458 9% 0% 0%
se: Northern Sami 504 470 6% 0% 0%
sh: Serbo-Croatian 504 273 45% 0% 0%
si: Sinhala 504 268 46% 0% 1%
sk: Slovak 504 0 100% 0% 0%
skr-arab: Saraiki (Arabic script) 505 325 35% 0% 0%
sl: Slovenian 510 5 99% 1% 1%
smn: Inari Sami 504 456 9% 25% 0%
sms: Skolt Sami 504 392 22% 0% 0%
sr-ec: Serbian (Cyrillic script) 506 19 96% 56% 0%
sr-el: Serbian (Latin script) 506 38 92% 0% 2%
sro: Campidanese Sardinian 504 424 15% 0% 0%
sv: Swedish 507 12 97% 23% 1%
sw: Swahili 504 484 3% 0% 0%
syl: Sylheti 504 491 2% 0% 0%
szy: Sakizaya 504 489 2% 0% 0%
ta: Tamil 508 137 73% 1% 1%
tcy: Tulu 504 189 62% 0% 1%
te: Telugu 504 58 88% 36% 2%
tg-cyrl: Tajik (Cyrillic script) 507 183 63% 7% 1%
th: Thai 508 178 64% 43% 1%
ti: Tigrinya 506 490 3% 0% 0%
tly: Talysh 504 480 4% 0% 0%
tr: Turkish 504 12 97% 93% 1%
tt-cyrl: Tatar (Cyrillic script) 508 496 2% 0% 0%
ug-arab: Uyghur (Arabic script) 504 142 71% 0% 3%
uk: Ukrainian 509 0 100% 85% 0%
ur: Urdu 506 403 20% 0% 1%
uz: Uzbek 504 137 72% 0% 2%
vec: Venetian 504 62 87% 0% 1%
vi: Vietnamese 510 0 100% 34% 0%
wal: Wolaytta 504 455 9% 0% 0%
wuu-hans: Wu (Simplified Han script) 504 460 8% 0% 0%
xmf: Mingrelian 508 42 91% 0% 1%
yi: Yiddish 505 457 9% 6% 0%
yrl: Nheengatu 504 462 8% 21% 0%
yue-hant: Cantonese (Traditional Han script) 505 344 31% 0% 1%
zgh: Standard Moroccan Tamazight 508 362 28% 46% 0%
zh-hans: Simplified Chinese 505 0 100% 31% 0%
zh-hant: Traditional Chinese 505 0 100% 10% 0%
All 148 languages together 74,791 35,934 51% 28% 1%

Map of translators

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