
مدیاویکی در بزرگترین و شناختهشدهترین ویکیهای جهان اجرا میشود. به خاطر محبوبیت و علاقه اجتماعی شدیدی که به ویکیپدیا وجود دارد، من نمیتوانم نرمافزاری را تصور کنم که پشتیبانی بینالمللیسازی بهتری داشته باشد.
Despite this support, MediaWiki and Wikipedia lack in some pretty important areas. One of the areas that this is most obvious is in languages that are written right-to-left (RTL) instead of left-to-right (LTR). We do try to fix these problems, but almost all of our developers work in LTR languages, so we don't notice the problems as quickly. The problems don't stare us in the face every day and wiki users in RTL languages like العربية (arabic), فارسی (farsi), and עברית (hebrew) don't have proper support.
Each of those languages has a wiki with over 100,000 articles in it. I can't help but think that some of the people who contributed to these larger wikis would also have the skills necessary to fix some of the RTL bugs that have probably annoyed them.
I think that perhaps RTL developers and LTR developers don't communicate enough. So, if you're an RTL developer, let me tell you clearly: We want you! You have something that our current MediaWiki developers don't have — something that we desperately need. Find a bug, submit a patch, and your code can be running on Wikipedia!
بعضی اشکالات بدست آمده در زمان شروعکردن شما:
- عنوان مقالههای چپبهراست، ممکن است در ویکیهای راستبهچپ نویس در ردهها و صفحههای ویژه، نادرست یا غلط نمایش داده شوند.
- اشکالات نوشتاری در صفحههای پرونده (فقط ویکیهای راستبهچپ نویس)
- The directionality (RTL/LTR) of definitions must match the directionality of the language in which they're written
- همچنین ببینید: ردیابی مشکلات راستبهچپ برای همه نوع از راستبهچپ نویسی
Finally, there is a major feature lacking in MediaWiki that is summarized in Bug 6100: Allow different directionality (rtl/ltr) for user interface and wiki content. I hope to find the resources to get this particular issue addressed soon.