Style bug

I don't see any problem in either. If you see the sidebar pushed down in monobook, there is a bug for that (it's ok for me in your links, it's not very consistent an error).

Nemo (talk)09:06, 26 April 2014

In vector skin, the settings area is too small. Perhaps the typography update is the reason.

\m/etalhead 09:30, 26 April 2014

Ah, probably. I override it in my browser so I don't see a difference there, please report the problem in bugzilla and attach screenshots. As a workaround, my personal suggestion to everyone is to use monobook for the future. :)

Nemo (talk)09:04, 27 April 2014

I think it's not worthwhile to create a bugzilla account for that. Can you report the bug for me, please?

\m/etalhead 12:14, 27 April 2014

No I can't, because I don't know what you're seeing exactly. It takes less time to create an account on bugzilla than to reply here that you can't.

Nemo (talk)12:22, 27 April 2014