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French spaces

And this is still not our problem: in French, spaces must be displayed before ";", ":", "!", etc., period. If iOS or other platforms don't display thin spaces, go talk to them, but don't use thin spaces as long as the result is that spaces are no displayed for readers. Please.

Jules78120 (talk)20:26, 11 November 2019

But the space IS present, I have never "removed" it. And it IS displayed (even in your image, it is visible with your iOS renderer, and accurately it is thin as expected).

So you've not demonstrated any actual problem. The French typography is respected even on your iOS device ! It is thin but clearly visible on the ouput (you can measure it easily,the gap on sides of the colon or question mark is about twice larger than the average gap between 2 letters).

You use bad faith argument by pretending you don't see it, when your screenshots clearly demonstrate the opposite.

Verdy p (talk)12:04, 12 November 2019

Is this a joke?

You're the one using bad faith arguments by pretending seeing an imaginary space, when my screenshots clearly demonstrate the opposite.

Here's a comparison with the thin space (top) and without any space (bottom), can you now tell me where do you see a difference? (protip: there's none)

Thibaut (talk)12:14, 12 November 2019