Please try to contribute no longer by translating

Please try to contribute no longer by translating

Hi Stanqo. Thanks for your efforts in the past to contribute to translations for MediaWiki in Bulgarian. It seems that despite your efforts, there are continued strong reactions to the quality of your contributions. I have intervened in this issue in the past, and I am doing to now again based on the discussion in the thread Thread:Support/Admin_rights_(2).

I could block your user, but I don't think that's the best course of action. You've never seemed to be of ill intentions. I would urge you though, to no longer contribute to translations. Some people are good at it, and it appears you just are not good at it. If you want contribute in some way, you can consider proofreading existing translations by others, and correcting those if they are wrong, or you can try to get more people from your community to translate at For Bulgarian, that's direly needed. Even MediaWiki core is only translated 93%. Translation for extensions used by Wikimedia is only at 49%.

So again, it seems that your strengths are not in interface translation, and I think that's fine. I do hope that we can find something else for you, so that you can keep putting positive energy in Cheers!

Siebrand10:59, 29 November 2012