Portal talk:Id/LiquidThreads

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This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
About "it"211:21, 31 January 2023
Mohon bantuan mencari dan membetulkan kesalahan417:48, 8 September 2012
Time format for Indonesian1610:53, 29 April 2011

About "it"

This is a discussion about the term "it". Please enable the terminology gadget to see the status in this box.

Wikimedia:Isa-ef38d1-It is running on tools.wmflabs/id

What does it refer to? My language need to specify what "it" is.

Bennylin (talk)04:42, 22 December 2022

Tidak ada gunanya diletakkan di sini (secara otomatis oleh sistem), saya pindah ke Wikimedia:Isa-ef38d1-It is running on tools.wmflabs/qqq

Bennylin (talk)05:19, 22 December 2022

"It" refers to the ISA tool.

Mnam23 (talk)11:21, 31 January 2023

Mohon bantuan mencari dan membetulkan kesalahan

Saya menemukan kesalahan cukup fatal ketika menampilkan jumlah isi suatu kategori, yang muncul selalu adalah satu, tidak peduli berapa pun isinya. Kesalahan ini tidak muncul pada versi antarmuka bahasa Inggris, sehingga saya menebak salah satu suntingan terakhirlah yang mempengaruhi hal ini. Mohon dibantu mencari dan membetulkannya. Bennylin (talk) 15:14, 6 September 2012 (UTC)

Bennylin (talk)15:14, 6 September 2012

Contoh: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Indonesia?uselang=id tertulis

  • "Kategori ini hanya memiliki satu subkategori berikut. ", padahal isinya 33.
  • "Kategori ini hanya memiliki satu halaman berikut. ", padahal isinya 4
  • "Kategori ini hanya memiliki satu berkas berikut. ", padahal isinya 135

Di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Indonesia?uselang=id dan di http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Indonesia?uselang=id betul...

Dari penelitian, sumber teks yang berhubungan dengan penghitungan isi kategori ada di:

Padahal pesan-pesan di atas tidak disunting sejak 2008, jadi saya bingung di mana letak kesalahannya. Bennylin (talk) 15:15, 6 September 2012 (UTC)

Bennylin (talk)15:15, 6 September 2012

Kemudian yang kedua adalah pesan "Anda mempunyai pesan baru" yang juga kacau (tidak bisa saya beri pranala contohnya, karena tergantung Anda punya pesan baru atau tidak)

Padahal MediaWiki:Youhavenewmessages/id tidak diubah-ubah... Selain itu dalam bahasa-bahasa lain juga tidak apa-apa (contohnya, ketika Anda dapat pesan baru di id.wp, jangan buka dulu halaman pembicaraan Anda. Tambahi "?uselang=de" di URL-nya, atau bahasa apa pun, untuk melihat pesan tersebut dalam bahasa lain), misalnya "Du hast eine neue Nachricht (letzte Änderung)." (de), "你有一条新信息(最新1次更改)。" (zh), dll. Heran, galat(/error)nya baru muncul beberapa hari terakhir ini. Bennylin (talk)

Bennylin (talk)15:36, 6 September 2012

Time format for Indonesian

Hi. Indonesian format for time is H.i (with dot, not colon). How can I change this, especially in Special:RecentChanges? Thanks.

IvanLanin05:56, 27 April 2011

For MediaWiki, date and time settings are set in MessagesId.php (for Indonesian). This functionality is not supported in the Translate extension, but of course we can help you get it right.

These are the English language settings.

$dateFormats = array(
	'mdy time' => 'H:i',
	'mdy date' => 'F j, Y',
	'mdy both' => 'H:i, F j, Y',

	'dmy time' => 'H:i',
	'dmy date' => 'j F Y',
	'dmy both' => 'H:i, j F Y',

	'ymd time' => 'H:i',
	'ymd date' => 'Y F j',
	'ymd both' => 'H:i, Y F j',

I assume you want this changed to this? If OK, just let me know. Otherwise, please reply with updated settings for Indonesian.

$dateFormats = array(
	'mdy time' => 'H.i',
	'mdy date' => 'F j, Y',
	'mdy both' => 'H.i, F j, Y',

	'dmy time' => 'H.i',
	'dmy date' => 'j F Y',
	'dmy both' => 'H.i, j F Y',

	'ymd time' => 'H.i',
	'ymd date' => 'Y F j',
	'ymd both' => 'H.i, Y F j',
Siebrand06:21, 27 April 2011

Yes, please. We never (very rarely) use mdy format. Can we remove that format or we still need to maintain it for MediaWiki? Can we also write the time after the date (common usage)?

These are the updated settings, providing that the answer for both questions above are "yes". If not, then your original suggested settings are OK. Thanks! :)

$dateFormats = array(
        'dmy time' => 'H.i',
        'dmy date' => 'j F Y',
        'dmy both' => 'j F Y H.i',
        'ymd time' => 'H.i',
        'ymd date' => 'Y F j',
        'ymd both' => 'Y F j H.i',
IvanLanin07:07, 27 April 2011

Done Done mwr:87004. I have added mdy anyway. Not certain if it could be omitted. dmy should be default.

Siebrand09:47, 27 April 2011

Thanks, Siebrand.

IvanLanin15:11, 27 April 2011

I'd remove formats that are not used. Listing all of those is just ugly heritage.

Nike20:36, 27 April 2011

I've tried removing the mdy but the option still showed up in Special:Preferences with the default format (from en).

IvanLanin04:32, 28 April 2011

Thanks for the changes. For future reference, see Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan V.A.4 (in Indonesian language)

Bennylin07:21, 29 April 2011

I'd rather be able to refer to a standard (like CLDR).

Siebrand08:37, 29 April 2011