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Want to be a top contributor?

Want to be a top contributor?

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Last edit: 09:23, 29 April 2011

Top be in the top ranks at the moment, you need at least 2,000 qualifying edits. I will try to keep this updated.

Last update: 14:01, 28 April 2011 (UTC)

Siebrand18:42, 24 April 2011

Maybe you could also post top 2 result? :)

Olli06:05, 25 April 2011

Or maybe I'm not posting them to not spoil the competition too much?

Siebrand08:05, 25 April 2011

Please post the top two contributors. That will make us to work hard!

Surya Prakash.S.A.09:36, 25 April 2011

I would estimate that making another 2500 new translations in the coming days would secure the rally bonus for you! (and if you don't get it, you will have the eternal gratitude of the users of the products you localised for.)

Siebrand10:11, 25 April 2011

Hi Siebrand, I see you also in the rally. Do you have made 2500+ new translations? I think should have get additinial time to be your rival :), I have good bad intenet connection in begining of rally :(. Do we have additional time since site outage for a while?

J Subhi pamandiran01:35, 30 April 2011

40 minutes of additional time (for 40 minutes of server outrage) will do nothing IMHO.

[ Tanvir | Talk ]05:19, 30 April 2011

There was an outage of about 40 minutes in a period of 8 days (0,35%). Given your current 517 qualifying edits, you would have been able to make 2 additional translations in that time, if your translations would have been spread over the rally period. If that would have been your top productivity time frame, you might have been able to make at most 80-100 translations. Neither gets you near the top 2 at the moment. It's unfortunate, but not severe enough to change the rules for.

During the rally, I have made about 1,000 new translations, but I'm not going for a top rank, I mainly translate for QA of the i18n of the products we support.

Siebrand08:58, 30 April 2011

All right, Siebrand, I am just kidding:), I know the outage time is not enough to me to get to the top. As I wrote before my connection is bad, bad, bad. Any way, thank you, I am going to get more qualifying edit before time over. My target is 600 and then complete translate MediaWiki for Banjar before June 2011.

J Subhi pamandiran09:09, 30 April 2011

If you have a bad connection, and feel you cannot contribute as much as you like, please have a look at Translating:Offline. If your connection is even too mad to reliably do the submit, please feel free to send your file to me by e-mail as described on the page.

Siebrand10:00, 30 April 2011

A top 2 position currently requires 2,679 qualifying edits, top 5 1,511.

Siebrand14:28, 30 April 2011

Thank you,Siebrand, for the information. That's sound nice. Also thank you to Tanvir.

J Subhi pamandiran15:42, 30 April 2011