About [[MediaWiki:Ethereditor-warn-others/en]]

This message makes a reference to the screen layout which ist both not working as per http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/I18n#Avoid_references_to_screen_layout_and_positions and cannot be localized. I suggest to remove the words "in the top right of the page screen" from the message.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)21:18, 30 June 2012

Thanks for the note, sorry I didn't get it until now....would it be possible to point the user towards the button somehow? I wanted to make it clear where the button was in case they didn't know it was there.

MarkTraceur (talk)20:08, 13 July 2012

Best leave the right/left out of it. That should suffice.

Siebrand22:56, 5 August 2012