Translating talk:MediaWiki/LiquidThreads
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Message visible in MediaWiki but not deploying changes same as Thread:Support/About MediaWiki:Skinname-vector/en
Hi, in case of this message the links [[:Category:Actor]], [[Located in::Germany]], etc. should be translatable. Thank you and cheers
Well I'm saying this file. Afaik those names are not in official CLDR survey tool, but also shown on Incubator when using zh-hans as interface language.
$languageNames = [
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Balochi language
* Added 2008-07-02.
'bcc' => '南俾路支语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Eastern Balochi language
'bgp' => '东俾路支语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Western Cham language
'cja' => '西占语',
'cja-cham' => '西占语(占文)',
'cja-latn' => '西占语(拉丁文)',
'cja-arab' => '西占语(阿拉伯文)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Eastern Cham language
'cjm' => '东占语',
'cjm-cham' => '东占语(占文)',
'cjm-latn' => '东占语(拉丁文)',
'cjm-arab' => '东占语(阿拉伯文)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Jinyu language
'cjy' => '晋语',
'cjy-hans' => '晋语(简体)',
'cjy-hant' => '晋语(繁体)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Swedish language
* Added 2008-02-16.
'dlc' => '达拉纳语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Romance language.
* Added 2008-01-17.
'eml' => '艾米利亚-罗马涅语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Konkani language
* Added 2008-09-02.
'gom-deva' => '果阿孔卡尼语(天成文)',
'gom-latn' => '果阿孔卡尼语(拉丁文)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Maharashtrian Konkani language
'knn' => '马哈拉施特拉孔卡尼语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Laki language
'lki' => '拉科语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Southern Luri language
'luz' => '南卢尔语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Mari language
* Added 2008-05-22.
'mhr' => '东马里语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Malay language
* Added 2010-02-11.
'mui' => '巨港马来语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Livvi-Karelian language
'olo' => '李维-卡累利阿语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Lahnda language.
* Added 2008-10-29.
'pnb' => '西旁遮普语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Dari language.
'prs' => '达利语',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Eastern Romance language.
* Added 2008-02-04.
'ruq' => '梅戈来诺-罗马尼亚语',
'ruq-cyrl' => '梅戈来诺-罗马尼亚语(西里尔文)',
'ruq-grek' => '梅戈来诺-罗马尼亚语(希腊文)',
'ruq-latn' => '梅戈来诺-罗马尼亚语(拉丁文)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Shawiya language
'shy' => '沙维雅语',
'shy-arab' => '沙维雅语(阿拉伯文)',
'shy-latn' => '沙维雅语(拉丁文)',
'shy-tfng' => '沙维雅语(提非纳文)',
/* Not in CLDR 27.0.1. Used for MediaWiki localisation
'bat-smg' => '萨莫吉提亚语',
'be-tarask' => '白俄罗斯语(传统正写法)',
'cdo' => '闽东语',
'crh-cyrl' => '克里米亚鞑靼语(西里尔文)',
'crh-latn' => '克里米亚鞑靼语(拉丁文)',
'de-formal' => '德语(正式用法)',
'gan-hans' => '赣语(简体)',
'gan-hant' => '赣语(繁体)',
'hif-latn' => '斐济印地语(拉丁文)',
'ike-cans' => '东加拿大语(音节文字)',
'ike-latn' => '东加拿大语(拉丁文)',
'kk-cn' => '哈萨克语(中国)',
'kk-kz' => '哈萨克语(哈萨克斯坦)',
'kk-tr' => '哈萨克语(土耳其)',
'kk-arab' => '哈萨克语(阿拉伯文)',
'kk-cyrl' => '哈萨克语(西里尔文)',
'kk-latn' => '哈萨克语(拉丁文)',
'ks-arab' => '克什米尔语(阿拉伯文)',
'ks-deva' => '克什米尔语(天成文)',
'ku-latn' => '库尔德语(拉丁文)',
'roa-rup' => '阿罗马尼亚语语',
'sr-ec' => '塞尔维亚语(西里尔文)',
'sr-el' => '塞尔维亚语(拉丁文)',
'tg-cyrl' => '塔吉克语(西里尔文)',
'tg-latn' => '塔吉克语(拉丁文)',
'tt-cyrl' => '鞑靼语(西里尔文)',
'tt-latn' => '鞑靼语(拉丁文)',
'ug-arab' => '维吾尔语(阿拉伯文)',
'ug-latn' => '维吾尔语(拉丁文)',
'ydd' => '东意第绪语',
'zh-classical' => '文言文',
'zh-cn' => '中文(中国大陆)',
'zh-hk' => '中文(香港)',
'zh-min-nan' => '闽南语',
'zh-sg' => '中文(新加坡)',
'zh-tw' => '中文(台湾)',
'zh-yue' => '粤语', # language redirect
I also want to translate this. It turns out that LocalNamesDe.php etc is not pulled from translatewiki, so let's hop to phab.
I can't figure out a meaningful and grammatically correct Estonian translation for show/hide messages like "Rcshowhideminor" that are used on RecentChanges and WhatLinksHere pages. In Estonian the word "Näita" (show) requires the following phrase (e.g. minor edits) to be in partitive case and the word "Peida" (hide) in genitive case. So I suggest these messages to be split into two messages where different cases can be used, "Hide minor edits" and "Show minor edits" instead of "$1 minor edits", similar to Revreview-diff-toggle-show (“show those changes
”) and Revreview-diff-toggle-hide (“hide those changes
This problem involves messages Rcshowhideminor (“$1 minor edits
”), Rcshowhidepatr (“$1 patrolled edits
”), Rcshowhideliu (“$1 registered users
”), Rcshowhidebots (“$1 bots
”), Rcshowhideanons (“$1 anonymous users
”), Rcshowhidemine (“$1 my edits
”), Wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata (“$1 {{WBREPONAME}}
”), Whatlinkshere-hidetrans (“Hide transclusions
”), Whatlinkshere-hidelinks (“Hide links
”), Whatlinkshere-hideredirs (“Hide redirects
”) and Whatlinkshere-hideimages (“Hide file links
Arguably, a full redesign of Special:RecentChanges and Special:Watchlist is overdue. I don't support making high impact localisation related changes to those pages that are not part of that redesign, so I'd say that this is "won't fix".
Sorry, I don't know much about programming. You mean that implementing what I suggest is way more complex than just toggling e.g. [Show minor edits|Hide minor edits] in place of toggling [Show|Hide] and removing what's after (minor edits) as that would be toggled too inside the new messages?
Are there any other suggestions in case of that sort of grammar issues?
Tracked at bugzilla:24156 (vote, scream on wikitech-l, create a petition, ...?).
I believe Logentry-rights-rights (“$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for {{GENDER:$6|$3}}: $7
”), Logentry-rights-rights-legacy (“$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for $3
”), and Logentry-rights-autopromote (“$1 automatically changed {{GENDER:$2|his|her|their}} group membership: $7
”) should use the {{GENDER:$2|changed}}
syntax in the original English message so the translations are not marked as problematic due to unsupported $2, which should be supported in all log entry messages.
D’oh! You mean the whole gender support in log entries was reverted? I did not really notice that (except I spotted a few gender removals, but I thought they were special cases). But if that’s the case, {{logentry}}
should be updated as well, because using a quick grep, I found at least 112 messages with “logentry” and “gender” currently committed.
Not the whole support, just {{GENDER}}
calls were removed because they were inefficient (apparently they are not anymore but they haven't been restored yet).
MediaWiki core wraps this message into parentheses by default which does not make sense for at least German. So please remove them. If parentheses are needed a language may wrap individually. Thanks and Cheers.
The gerrit change was abandoned, so if this is still relevant we'll need it filed on Phabricator...
Yeah, this is still absolute nonsense and every time I access my settings I start to loose faith again. In other words: Thanks for notifying. I will file a task.
Ok. I suspect you meant MediaWiki:Gender-unknown/en though. I think the parentheses are there to convey the fact that it's a non-choice, the default choice, or not a direct answer to the question above the radio buttons. Then I don't know how consistent this is with the other preferences etc.
Mediawiki in various places is presenting language names in the user's interface in his own language
F.e. {{#language:en|el}} gives me "Αγγλικά" (in greek)
But {{#language:sr-el|el}} gives me "Serbian (Latin script)" (in english)
Where can I translate or modify these language names?
Hi. As a French-Wikipedia editor, I found something that could be improved in Babel userboxes but I don't know where to start to fix it.
The problem is this: while Babel supports sign languages, the displayed text is in English. For instance, if I add |fsl-1
to my Babel box on the the wp:fr, the language code is recognized but the box reads (verbatim) "This user has basic knowledge of French Sign Language.". Same for other sign languages.
I think the text should instead be in the written language most closely associated with the sign language (e.g. English for ASL/ase, French for LSF/fsl, Italian for LIS/ise, etc.), or by default in the language of the wiki instance (e.g. French on the French Wikipedia).
Can this be done?
The Credits subpage is so old, last updated on 2013, even it was linked from Special:Version page on any wiki. Can anyone update it? And, can we use someting like <categorytree>MediaWiki translators</categorytree> or {{Special:ContributionScores/XX/XX}} so the list is always up to date?
Why started from ellipsis?
Impossible to translate when both grammatical gender and kind of $1 are unknown.
This is documented on Translating:MediaWiki.
Hi. What's the current method for translating file options (frameless,border etc.)? Do I need to open a ticket, like for namespaces?
Hello.In visualeditor, MediaWiki:Visualeditor-dialog-media-type-frameless/ro and MediaWiki:Visualeditor-dialog-media-type-border/ro has already been translated.Greetings
Yes, but these are only the labels for the form. I'm interested in the wikitext that ends up in the page source.
The description message MediaWiki:3d-desc/de was translated in March, but is not exported yet.
Please have a look, why messages are not exported to mediawiki/extensions/3D. Thanks.
@Raimond: When was last full export? Should we do one again, and maybe schedule one for at least every 2-6 months?
The extension is deployed on the wmf beta cluster, why not have a daily or weekdaily export as all the other extensions?
The export is daily, but the full export not. "Full export" means going through all the translations connected to the extension, however old they were, and regenerating all language files even if there are no new translations. This normally ensures nothing is missed, but takes a long time.
That means the daily export looks for changes made in the last 24 hours (or since the last export) and only export these changes? But why the recent change to MediaWiki:3d/qqq where not exported?
There was never a l10n-bot commit on gerrit for this extension. I would assume a full export would also miss this extension.
There are several optional and ignored messages for Pickle that should be deleted. More about this on User:Jeblad/Pickle. The messages are listed as optional and ignored in the file mwgithub.yaml. (I am not an admin so I can't delete the messages!)
The messages are not in use anymore. Case closed.
This list is not useful, because it doesn't actually list messages to delete, nor why they should be deleted.
Ignored messages are not exported, so what harm do they make?
Optional messages: it's pointless to start deleting messages before explaining to translators why they are harmful.
Also, I see several of these messages don't have useful message documentation to explain what they do or how to translate them (or why they're messages at all): this should have been fixed before introducing such messages, but you have an opportunity now to improve the documentation before any cleanup, to reduce future mistakes.
"Ignored messages are not exported, so what harm do they make?" not always, see MediaWiki:Comma-separator/zh-hans and MediaWiki:Comma-separator/zh-hant for example, due to both changes of Shizhao (change "、" to ","), many usages of w:zh:Template:頓號分隔各項 are now broken.
Please revert last changes, it seems to be the nb or sv translation.
There is a mistake in MediaWiki:Apihelp-livetranslate-summary/en in word "destiniation". It should be destination. Could you fix this please? (formerly reported in
the link-check for the follwing two messages should be disabled to avoid auto-fuzzy:
Edit, some more of them:
- MediaWiki:sci-metadata-search-intro-doi/qqq,
- MediaWiki:sci-metadata-search-intro-pubmed/qqq,
- MediaWiki:sci-metadata-search-intro-oclc/qqq,
- MediaWiki:sci-metadata-search-intro-ol/qqq,
- MediaWiki:sci-metadata-search-intro-viaf/qqq
Thank you an cheers
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