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About [[MediaWiki:Visualeditor-timeout/en]]

"full editing" is an unknown concept. This should probably just say that Visual Editor or WYSIWYS editing is not available.

Siebrand10:26, 19 March 2014


  1. Per i18n policy/good practice, we don't talk about software by its name which is totally alien to users (no references to VisualEditor except in the installer and admin side).
  2. Per UX good practice, we don't lie to users about what they're using; VisualEditor is not a WYSIWYG/etc. editor, and shouldn't claim that magically-maybe it is.
  3. This is part of making the term "full editing" more of a known concept; alternatives welcome. :-)
Jdforrester (talk)22:02, 13 July 2014

Possible, but VisualEditor doesn't seem to have a glossary and mw:Special:Search/"full editing" returns basically no results; the term should be defined in qqq at least. But I'll submit a patch.

Nemo (talk)22:22, 14 July 2014