About [[Pywikibot:Revertbot-revert/en]]

As I answered before in Thread:Support/About_Pywikibot:Revertbot-revert/ksh:

"As far as I can see, %(timestamp)s is date/time in ISO format ('2006-01-26T12:05:04Z'), so this should not really be an issue. As long as we don't do proper date formatting, I don't think it makes sense to adapt the messages to allow that."

Valhallasw (talk)10:32, 13 November 2014

Won't fix as long as this is a timestamp only.

Xqt (talk)10:52, 28 December 2014

Timestamps are completely unsuited for translated messages.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)15:13, 18 February 2015