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About [[Wikia:Photopop-game-points/en]]


Nike (talk)19:59, 15 August 2012

Added to QQQ documentation

Timothy Quievryn (talk)23:34, 16 January 2013

"Unit of measurement for score. The default EN version is "points", which is a noun."

The second sentence is redundant (definition is shown to translators, no need to repeat it). The context is also still lacking. Does it go with a number (in which case it needs plural support)? Is it a table column (should it be capitalized)? Where does it appear (screenshots are also welcome)?

Nike (talk)12:09, 8 February 2013

We no longer develop nor support this extension, so we will remove it from the translation files shortly.

Timothy Quievryn (talk)23:56, 27 February 2013

Done Done

Siebrand10:52, 1 March 2013