About [[Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-edit save action license/en]]

It appears that something is missing in the source message. Possibly links to terms of use and license, or something along these lines.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)12:58, 17 June 2014

It is probably related to the fact that Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-about terms of use/en and Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-about privacy policy/en appear not to exist in English.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)13:29, 17 June 2014

These two strings should exist. I can see them in the source for english in the code. Sync bug with Translatewiki?

Yuvipanda (talk)14:51, 17 June 2014

bah, it is stripping out all html. there are two <a> links that are missing :'(

Yuvipanda (talk)14:51, 17 June 2014