Changing user name and connect it with SUL (single user login) of MediaWiki projects

Changing user name and connect it with SUL (single user login) of MediaWiki projects

Hello, I fisrt created account on Translatewiki on 2011 07 11, next on Wikipedia on 2011 11 18, not seeing projects are linked. Please help me to link my "Boniface" profile here on Translatewiki to SUL "BonifaceFR", exactly to w:fr:User_talk:BonifaceFR. Can anyone help in easy English or best in French? Thanks a lot! (please use w:fr:User_talk:BonifaceFR to contact, not so often here)

Boniface (talk)11:47, 1 September 2012

The single user login (for all Wikimedia projects) doesn't work on, as far as I know, because isn't part of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Lloffiwr (talk)16:56, 1 September 2012


Siebrand18:09, 1 September 2012

OK! Marked as read ;-) But as you can see it in my first message, links to wp work on ;-) Thank you all for your fast answers. Regards

Boniface (talk)13:58, 5 September 2012