Gender in namespace names

Here are the translations in format male (current and default)/female:

  • User: -> Usuario: (male and default)/Usuaria: (female)
  • User_talk -> Conversa_usuario: (male and default)/Conversa_usuaria: (female)

And, if possible, please localize Portal namespace into Galician:

  • Portal: -> Portal: (remains unchanged)
  • Portal_talk: -> Conversa_portal:

And I think we don't need further action for Wikimedia wiki. Thanks!

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 11:59, 10 October 2011
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 15:43, 19 April 2012

Portal is a non-default namespace name, so that's set on a wiki level, not on MediaWiki level.

Siebrand12:25, 10 October 2011

We've Portal namespace enabled on gl.wikipedia, so I guess we need to create a bug in Bugzilla to translate it? Is that right?

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 12:41, 10 October 2011

Well, you should probably have had the portal namespace created in "gl" from the start. Now you should:

  • request the namespace name to be changed
  • the old name to be added as a namespace alias.
Siebrand13:08, 10 October 2011

I think that option didn't depend on us. We have the Portal namespace added by default (maybe I'm wrong). In fact, we haven't requested it, I think. Moreover, this is the list with all pages in Portal namespace (just 15). Actually, as you can see, we don't use it at all. But my request was to substitute the English text with the Galician.

On the other had, if we change the namespace name, would it affect to the rest of wikis (apart from Wikipedia and sister projects) if they decide to enable Portal namespace? I mean, would they have "Conversa_portal:" as discussion namespace instead of "Portal_talk:" (which would be a redirect)?

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 13:21, 10 October 2011