Please add support for SocialProfile

Please add support for SocialProfile

A very useful MediaWiki extension should have support by TranslateWiki. Please add it. It already has translations to many languages.

Gleki (talk)10:25, 11 December 2013

IIRC the extension is missing proper message documentation. But I will check the current status later this week(end).

Raymond09:35, 14 December 2013

The extension has 555 messages. 139 (25%) of them have message documentation, but 99 of them contain only {{Identical}}.

Shirayuki (talk)12:37, 14 December 2013

Things seem approximately unchanged.

$ find -name en.json -exec cat {} \; | wc
   645    3458   39530
$ find -name qqq.json -exec cat {} \; | wc
   249    1079   11786
$ find -name qqq.json -exec cat {} \; | grep -ic Identical
Nemo (talk)19:31, 3 February 2016