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semanticforms JS error when I [Edit with form] my user page

semanticforms JS error when I [Edit with form] my user page

Hi, when I go to my user page and click [Edit with form] my user page, my Firefox 20 console shows a JavaScript error

 TypeError: setting a property that has only a getter
 newBtnElement[attribute.name] = attribute.value;

adding &debug=1 to the URL shows it's coming from line 198 of https://translatewiki.net/w/extensions/SemanticForms/libs/SF_preview.js

I do get a form with a nifty Google Mapsgadget to set my location, but I think due to this JS error other code stops working, so e.g. [Show preview] doesn't work

Chromium doesn't report this error, but it reports 'SecurityError: DOM Exception 18' and Invalid 'X-Frame-Options' errors.

S Page (WMF) (talk)22:47, 7 May 2013

Thanks for the report. It should go into the bugzilla as we are running stock semantic extensions and we do not have capacity to fix issues in all those extensions.

Nike (talk)06:01, 8 May 2013

Nemo filed this as bug 49320 (thanks) and it's fixed.

S Page (WMF) (talk)18:23, 17 June 2013