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Ending support

Absolutely agreed. It's a mess when I try to use it now. Do tell the main admins. I'll be glad to help. Cheers.

B. Jankuloski (talk)05:04, 20 April 2019

Hello! Jen here, from the EOL team. Is there any way we can help with this transition? We're preparing the codebase to internationalize the new platform, but we're not sure whom to alert about the relevant .yml files.

My developers tell me: "the .yml files are now in config/locales instead of config/translations."


Jhammock (talk)21:41, 21 June 2019

Thanks, let us know which repository It's ok to tell here or file a request but you can also send a patch.

Nemo (talk)15:31, 23 June 2019

Thanks! The repository is https://github.com/EOL/eol_website.

Jhammock (talk)14:57, 24 June 2019

This task has been documented at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T227102

Jhammock (talk)19:21, 12 August 2019