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Completed French translation

Completed French translation

Edited by author.
Last edit: 16:46, 23 October 2010

I fully completed the French translation (more than 1500 resources). All the quirks that I found are discussed in the next discussions. I added !!FUZZY!! comments in the "/qqq" help. The remaining "untranslated items" are just bogous ones that need corrections:

Mifos                                   Current message
↓...ermissionswithoutsavingchanges      roles & Permissions without saving changes
↓...ules.defineLookupOptions.frank      Frank
↓...ndRules.defineLookupOptions.sf      Sf
↓...es.defineLookupOptions.tresure      Tresure
↓...rmissions.savingTestPermission      SavingTestPermission
↓<del>review&Submit	                        Review & Submit</del> ''(fixed)''
↓<del>...LeftPane.clients&AccountsTasks      Clients & Accounts Tasks</del> ''(fixed)''
↓<del>...ers.preview.office&Permissions      Office & Permissions</del> ''(fixed)''

Four of these resources contain an ampersand, that cause incorrect translation in the resource names looked up by Translate wiki. I've marked all these bogous entries with "!!FUZZY!!" in their "/qqq" part. This requires an immediate renaming of these resources without the ampersand, to work around the current TranslateWiki bug/limitation (when creating data submission URLs with the GET method : this is a lack of data validation, or lack of proper URL encoding in TranslateWiki edit forms). Some other characters may cause similar problems in form submissions (but the effective limitation is the set of valid characters used in MediaWiki for page names). (fixed)

The other four resources are just questionable.

See the individual discussions below.


Verdy p12:58, 23 October 2010

I've made a fix. Can you test whether those pages still cause problems?

Nike14:24, 23 October 2010

I've made again those trnslations of resources that your fix had deleted (I don't know why). And the result is exactly the same set of 8 incorrect resources listed above for French: you have not fixed the ampersand issue in the 4 resource names (or your fix does not work).

Verdy p15:50, 23 October 2010

Ok I see it now. It is broken in the ajax editor.

Nike16:18, 23 October 2010

Yes, that's why I documented the /qqq help text, saying that this was a bug/limitation of Translatewiki which does not accept the ampersand. see also my message above : the resource name is NOT corectly encapsulated in the HTTP GET URL (it should have been URL encoded on submission, and the TranslateWiki.net server does not validate all its parameters when it sees an ampersand separator followed by a string that does not contain an equal sign). This should be reported as a bug of Translatewiki.net's AJAX code (a better fix should really use POST requests when submitting translations or reading them). Anyway, I really suggest that you avoid ampersands in your MIFOS sources for resource names (just like you already drop espaces and some other "unsafe" characters like equal signs or newlines).

Verdy p16:26, 23 October 2010

Having the message name and other important bits in the url is really useful for debugging. Using POST would not be semantically correct, since it doesn't change state in the server.

Nike16:34, 23 October 2010

Really I don't understand your argument. A POST necessarily changes the state on the server of the target resource (this is the default behavior for HTTP). The server reports the change to clients that are querying it by HTTP "STAT" requests, and any POST request is (by default) not cachable by all conforming proxies (unless your HTTP request specifies it explicitly).

Verdy p16:40, 23 October 2010

But loading the dialog doesn't change state in the server. Saving does, but that is already POST.

Nike16:52, 23 October 2010

This is an issue of Loading the dialog which still does not perform STAT requests to validate what is currently cached in Javascript variables. In fact this is very irritating : opening any question by clicking it should always revalidate its preloaded and cached resources, but it still displays old values that have already been updated by someone else or in a separate window (for example in a search window when checking the terminology used in other "similar" resources).

This revalidation should be done to help reviewing the existing translations, including those that we have done ourself (and that disappear from the list of "untranslated messages" if we refresh the window to void the local Javascript cache variables (usd by the AJAX editor to open movable dialogs in the current window). For now the best that can be done is to force all clicks to open a new window or tab, to avoid loosing the current list.

Anyway, this is not an issue of MIFOS itself but a usability issue of TranslateWiki.

Verdy p17:08, 23 October 2010

Can you clear your browser cache to get fresh JavaScript and try once more. I was able to translate Review&Submit using the ajax-editor.

Nike16:24, 23 October 2010

OK the 4 resources are now OK for the ampersand, but the first one remains very fuzzy (a sentence is broken in the middle of a nominal subexpression, probably because your source contains an unnecessary <br /> or incorrectly working CSS attributes or class for the formatting)... Please consider breaking the sentence at a more frienfly position, and certainly not in the middle of the quoted expression. Thanks.

Verdy p16:43, 23 October 2010