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Meaning of messages

Meaning of messages

I am not sure what is meant with these two messages: ManageProducts.defineSavingsProducts.amountAppliesto (“Amount Applies to”) and NotEmpty.savingsProduct.selectedGroupSavingsApproach (“Please select the Amount Applies to.”). Sadly the page I hoped to be of help in this case is offline.

kgh21:41, 19 October 2010

KGH: I couldn't find an answer for this from looking at the pages where this message is defined. I'll post on the mailing list to see if we can get more info. (http://ci.mifos.org:8085/mifos/defineSavingsProduct.ftl)

Here is roughly what I did find: ManageProducts.defineSavingsProducts.amountAppliesto ("Amount Applies to") : This message is part of the form that defines or edits savings products. In here there is a section for "Targeted Deposits and Withdrawal Restrictions". The type of deposit can be mandatory or voluntary. The user can apply this amount to one of several options, and that is what the message "Amount Applies to" is referring. I think it basically says the targeted deposit can apply to one of the following options -- however, these options are not implemented in the code yet, so I don't know what they are.

NotEmpty.savingsProduct.selectedGroupSavingsApproach ("Please select the Amount Applies to."): This message is just an error message displayed when the user does not select an option to which the amount can be applied - so it is saying that you must choose to apply the amount to one of the options provided.

If I get a better answer from the mailing list, I'll be sure to update. Hope this helps a little.

Jasmine19:04, 22 October 2010

Hi Jasmine, thank you for your detailed information on this. It makes very good sense and helps to do the translation. Of cause it would be easier to know about the options which were not included into the code, but we should not have a big surprise here in the future. Still it would be easy to track this down in case of news on this.. Cheers and thanks again

kgh20:31, 22 October 2010